


Do you find yourself forgetting to rebuff when your class buffs or consumables expire? Buffy comes to your aid and you'll never forget to buff again!

Buffy is a buff reminder addon that will remind you about consumables like flasks, runes and food, and class buffs and toggles like Rogue poisons or Druid forms.


Buffy does not require any configuration out of the box but you can change few things around to your liking. You can access options by right clicking the Buffy alert or the DataBroker module. In case neither are visible you can also type /bf or /buffy in chat to open the options menu. Additional chat commands exist to toggle Buffy on or off, toggling frame lock and announcing buff status. See usage in game by typing /buffy help.

You can also set a quick cast keybind via the options menu. The keybind will only work while out of combat. It will temporarily overwrite any other keybind so you can use it over any existing keybind.