Burlex: User Interface (deluxe)

Burlex: User Interface (deluxe)


Bartender4 dependencies
It is required that you have this addon updated at all times to make everything work as it should.
You can download Bartender4 by clicking on the link located below:
Bartender4 Download

Settings can be called by ' /buid '

My side bars do not show, or i may not put spells in these ?!
Don't worry this may happen :P
So how are we gonna fix it ?

With this following command:
' /buid reset '
- to ensure this goes right, write this command twice.

Spartan Vanilla

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

How to setup Bartender4 for Burlex UI

write ' /bartender ' in game
Bartender4 settings should now be open

This is personal advised (not required)

  • Top Settings
    • Button Lock: enabled
    • Minimap Icon: disabled
  • Bars (main)
    • Use Blizzard Vehicle UI (disabled)
    • Toggle actions on key press instead of release (disabled)
    • Self-Cast by modifier: Alt (enabled)
    • Focus-Cast by modifier (disabled)
    • Right-click self cast (disabled)
  • Out of Range Indicator: Full Button Mode
  • Button Tooltip: Enabled
  • Bag Bar (button look)
    • Keyring: enabled
    • Hide Macro Text: disabled
    • Hide Hotkey: disabled
    • Click-Trough: disabled
    • One Bag: disabled
    • Hide Equipped Border: disabled