CC Counter

CC Counter


Tracks CC used and time spent in CC.

What this addon tracks if enabled:

Each CC aura applied to or removed from a player or mob ( Like stuns, fears, roots, etc )

Time each player or mob has spent in CC. ( If enabled )


Enable the tracking or not. ( Default on )
Tell you in chat when a CC is applied or removed ( Default off )

Track how much time every player or mob has spent in CC ( Default on )

Track only player actions: If unchecked, mobs and pets CC stats will be tracked too ( amount sent, received, time spent in CC, etc ). If checked, only the data of players will be saved so if a player stuns a mob, it will add 1 to the player sent count but it will not create a count for the mob or track the time. ( Default on )

Show time in frame ( Default off )

*Options are saved per character*


/ccc: Shows the commands.

/ccc options: Opens the option menu, can also be opened via interface menu.

/ccc reset: Resets current data.

/ccc count: Shows in your local chat how much CC each mob/player has sent and received. *only you will see this*

/ccc reports: Shows in say chat how much CC friendly and not friendly mobs/players has sent and received. *people near you will see this*

/ccc reportp: Shows in party chat how much CC friendly and not friendly mobs/players has sent and received. *people in your group will see this*

/ccc reporti: Shows in instance chat how much CC friendly and not friendly mobs/players has sent and received. *people in your instance will see this*

A movable frame will also display how much CC you and up to 2 teammates ( perfect for 2v2 or 3v3 ) have sent and received.

TODO in future updates:

-Make the report feature easier to use and better looking.
-Support more than 2 teammates in frame ( for bgs or wpvp )

-Add options such as auto report.

-Add support for silences and interupts, probably in an other category from CC.

-Add ways for users to remove and add spells that are considered CC other than going in the addon files.