


Special thanks to:: Laodice, Halloran, cyblade, Ketho.


First you need to set-up a keybinding in the window settings to open the launcher, by default it's CTRL+SHIFT+P.

When the window pop-up you could start typing to search.

You could press ENTER to select the first option or use TAB or SHIFT-TAB to navigate trough the results.

Alternatively you could use arrow keys or mouse wheel.

You could define Aliases and Blacklist items in the search options.

The different search modules could be customized in the module list within the search options.

The window appearance could be change in the windows options.

This AddOn include a minimap icon and some slash commands.

Open the configuration window: /cql

Open the launcher window: /cql launch

Search Modules:

Achievements: - Browse complete and uncompleted achievements and open achievements interface UI.

AddOns: - Open AddOns configurations windows.

Macros: - Use any of your character or account macros.

Mounts: - Summon random or any favorite or not favorite mount.

Pets: - Summon random or any favorite or not favorite companion pet.

Professions: - Open your professions book or use your professions skills.

Specialization and Gear Sets: - Change Specialization and gear sets.

Social: - Friends whisper and invite to party/raid. Convert to party/raid.

Toys: - Use any favorite or not favorite toys.

Spells: - Cast your abilities, teleports, portals, summons, buffs, etc.

Items: - Use any object in your bags or equipped by your character.


Summon a random pet: CTRL+SHIFT+P pet SPACE rando ENTER

Summon your second favorite mount: CTRL+SHIFT+P mou SPACE favo TAB TAB TAB ENTER

Open this AddOn configuration: CTRL+SHIFT+P cql ENTER

Open this AddOn configuration: CTRL+SHIFT+P cql ENTER

Open the Glory of the Draenor Hero achievement: CTRL+SHIFT+P glor SPACE drae ENTER

Use your Hearthstone: CTRL+SHIFT+P hearths ENTER

Teleport to dalaran: CTRL+SHIFT+P tele SPACE dala ENTER

Use your Gammon's Braid toy: CTRL+SHIFT+P gammon ENTER]

Use your cooking fire: CTRL+SHIFT+P coo SPACE fir ENTER

Use your macro "mail": CTRL+SHIFT+P macr SPACE mai ENTER

Created By:

Cecile EU - Zul'jin