- 1
Defensive cooldowns or External idk
#92 opened by Rakshqt - 1
Defensive Cooldowns/Alter time
#93 opened by Rakshqt - 1
LUA after recent Wrath patch
#94 opened by volostyle - 1
Defensive Cooldowns
#95 opened by Rakshqt - 1
TOTT and BRH raid debuffs collected with ISC
#96 opened by Ulu2005 - 2
DHT raid debuffs from ISC
#97 opened by Ulu2005 - 1
Issues with Auto Spec Layout switch and Erroneous Buff indicators
#99 opened by Juts2 - 2
#100 opened by shanluowow - 1
[Feature Request] add an option to change the transparency of the health/frame
#101 opened by telias82 - 1
Lua error: Cell/Indicators/Base.lua:239: attempt to compare number with nil
#103 opened by class2u - 0
Missing Buffs in SoD
#104 opened by ubuinexile - 4
Missing Main Tank/assist icons
#74 opened by telias82 - 1
click-casting part needs rework after changing the server language
#75 opened by benbenzhug - 1
layout shifts after reload sometimes
#76 opened by telias82 - 1
damage role indicator hide option isnt working
#77 opened by telias82 - 6
[Wrath] - Power Bar Filters don't work correctly
#78 opened by volostyle - 3
feature request: 在使用饰品旁边多增加一个使用手套的选项
#79 opened by diw1 - 1
#80 opened by shanluo911 - 1
#81 opened by shanluo911 - 2
#82 opened by class2u - 1
I have a question
#83 opened by Dalsamth - 2
Performance issues WOTLK
#84 opened by erikbrgn - 1
Need different layout for different spec
#85 opened by mfzym - 1
#86 opened by codengyi - 0
LUA errors in Wrath Classic
#87 opened by volostyle - 1
Defensive cooldown/Ice Cold
#88 opened by Rakshqt - 2
Defensive Cooldowns/Dark pact
#90 opened by Rakshqt - 5
#91 opened by zgshuguangzlj - 1
Defensive Cooldowns/Sentinel(protpala talent)
#89 opened by Rakshqt - 0
Lua error: [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'Cell' tried to call the protected function 'UNKNOWN()'.
#105 opened by Hessutar - 3
Shaman showing in light (mage) blue?
#106 opened by Erieeroot - 3
[Feature request] Class color for health text
#107 opened by Redbrick09 - 0
Feedback and Suggestions for Cell Add-on
#108 opened by sergeyklay - 2
Request: Sort by Role per Group
#115 opened by PsjKana - 1
[FEATURE] Cast bar
#116 opened by lvisb - 0
[FEATURE] Pet bar customization
#117 opened by lvisb - 0
#109 opened by PsjKana - 0
#112 opened by Mystream90 - 0
[Cata] Suggestion
#114 opened by Melocide - 1
Sort Order Doesn't Work in PVP
#126 opened by mtanis - 0
Cata LUA error spam
#118 opened by volostyle - 4
Changes to Dispels in Cataclysm
#121 opened by Phaugt - 4
Anchor center suggestion
#123 opened by Claxon47 - 4
[Feature] Layout Auto Switch by Raid size
#124 opened by Pingumania - 1
Options on Spotlight Panel Hiding Behind Frames
#127 opened by elkewtf - 1
[Feature] Icon(s) Indicators support flat colored texture
#128 opened by Hayato2846 - 1
[Feature Request] Status Text and Duration X-Offset
#130 opened by Ethereal-Seraphim - 0
[Bug Report] Click-Castings: Save and Discard buttons seemingly swapped
#131 opened by Ethereal-Seraphim - 1
[Bug] Deleting an indicator allows the user to create an invalid indicator
#133 opened by tomratford - 0
[Feature Request] Alternative Indicator animation
#134 opened by Duder70