Champions of Hellfire Citadel

Champions of Hellfire Citadel


This addon is designed for people who every day kill certain creatures (Doomroller, Vengeance, Terrorfist and Deathtalon) and for searching groups uses a standard search in WoW. To find them they need to constantly hit the refresh button, and when party is found - select a group, ask for an invite and take it. This addon does all this routine except for the adoption of an invite.

Video on youtube: addon in action


  • by click on search button you just wait and do your business. Addon will find group, ask for an invite for you and play readycheck sound on master channel (this will play the sound also with disabled sounds). Search time depends on how often the group appear in the search.
  • if group is too old (greater than MAX_AGE option) - it will be ignored.
  • for each region uses all available language filters. Must work in all clients. No need to manually select.
  • blacklist for visited groups.
  • settings for search delay and update delay - increase this options will improve game expirience on weak PC. But most of users no needs this.
  • settings for group max age - if you want only new groups - decrease this option.
  • settings for detecting zone radius.

Addon contains two visual elements - the frame itself and the minimap button. Frame appears only in a specific place (with the some radius, which in the future can be adjusted) where a specific rare creature stay.

Minimap button shows a tooltip when you hover. This is only an informative tooltip at the moment.

After killing the rare creature addon notifies the remaining creatures that can be killed today.

The addon is only an assistant perform routine. Nothing more to describe.

Special thanks to:

  • pas06 - deDE localization
  • Illisilien - idea with blacklist and autosearch
  • Acp1571 - esES localization