


For fun project addon created to keep track of officer-y stuff.

Meant to be used by <Vanilla Vibes> classic guild to keep track of every members gear, etc.

Currently only supports "GearCheck" feature

Relevant commands:

/cbt help, to print help text

/cbt newid [name], changes your current CBT identifier to the new specified one

gearcheck or gc can be used to perform gear check commands

/cbt gc, scans all of your equipped gear and stores it (Run automatically the first time a character logs in, and then is kept up to date each time a new item is equipped)

/cbt gc collect, enables collection of data from guildies with the addon (Should only be used by officers)

/cbt gc delete [name], deletes gear check data for character with specified name

/cbt gc export, opens a text field with all gear check data to be copy-pasted into sheets

/cbt gc sync [full], asks for data from guildies. If full is included it will pull ALL data and not just data since last update