

Inspects and store information about character that you interact with. Information stored:

  • Name/Level/Class
  • Equipped Gear
  • Talents (including alternate spec)


  • /cdb hide - Hides output frame
  • /cdb show - Shows output frame
  • /cdb inspect [unitid] - Inspect unit
  • /cdb print [unitid] - Print a summary of character to default chat frame
  • /cdb sim [unitid] - Print a Simcraft parameter listing of character to output frame

Simcraft parameter listing HOWTO

  • Target desired character
  • Type /cdb inspect target
  • Wait until summary is printed to default chat frame (don't change target)
  • Type /cdb sim [unitid]
  • Select all in output frame
  • Copy and paste into a file
  • Run Simcraft with file