

ChatFilter will help you filter out specified contents in specified channels. Specified means specified by you :) Mostly, because channels are restricted in variation :)

You can watch specified channels like GUILD, PARTY etc. by adding them to your filter list via

  • /chatfilter addchannel GUILD

or remove them from being watched via

  • /chatfilter removechannel GUILD

Same for phrases to be filtered out (with is, by means, the interesing part of this addon) via

  • /chatfilter addphrase some line of word(s)

or remove them via

  • /chatfilter removephrase some line of word(s)

You can list the channels being watched or the phrases being filtered via

  • /chatfilter listchannels


  • /chatfilter listphrases

You may also have a look at the already filtered phrases via

  • /chatfilter showfilteredlist

and dump that list via

  • /chatfilter clearfilteredlist

You will not be informed if something gets filtered out, you have to look yourself at the list if you miss something. Because, where is the joke of replacing a line of filtered text with an information about that something is filtered

Phrases and channels will be saved during sessions, only the filtered list is temporary. A GUI is planned, but not realised atm.