|Hshowdialog:DialogWindowName|h|cffff0000[Text for the hyperlink]|r|h
This will display the Static Popup with this name found in the global StaticPopupDialogs table (StaticPopupDialogs["DialogWindowName"] would be shown in the above example, if it exists)
|Hshowframe:FrameName|h|cffff0000[Text for the hyperlink]|r|h
This will make the frame with this exact name visible
|Hfunction:FunctionName[:arg1[:arg2[:arg3[:arg4]]]]|h|cffff0000[Text for the hyperlink]|r|h (e.g. |Hfunction:DoEmote:cry:none|h|cffff0000[Text for the hyperlink]|r|h)
This will call the function with the optional arguments (up to 4)