



By Zax.

Tired of opening the chat window and typing "/p " to start a party message, or "/g " to start a message on the guild channel?
The main goal of this WoW AddOn is to allow you to bind keys - from the standard shortcuts panel - to start chat messages for all the following standard channels:
    - emote
    - say
    - yell
    - instance (if applicable, else party)
    - party
    - raid (if applicable, else instance ou party)
    - raid warning
    - BattleGround (if applicable, else Local defense)
    - guild
    - guild officers
    - General
    - Trade
    - 3 custom channels - defined with a settings panel
    - whisp to a defined player - defined with a settings panel
    - whisp to your target, assuming it is a friendly player.

Other features
    - optionnaly displays party numbers on raid channel.
    - optionnaly plays a sound when receiving whisp.
    - optionnaly simplifies long chat prefixes like [Guild], [Party], [Raid], [Whisper to], [Whisper from]. [Officer] prefix is replaced by [OFF]. [Read Leader] prefix is replaced by [LEAD]. [Raid alert] prefix is replaced by [ATT].
    - ability to define macros to start messages on desired channels or to defined players - see supported slash-commands

Quick Start
Just open the standard shortcut panel (keybindings) and bind keys for ChatKeys.

Supported slash-commands
    /chatkeys ui    -- display settings UI
    /chatkeys msg CHANNEL_NAME|CHANNEL_NUMBER    -- start a message on the given channel, if available
    /chatkeys whisp PLAYER_NAME -- start a whisp to the given player
    /chatkeys reset -- reset options to default