CheeseSLS Classic

CheeseSLS Classic


# CheeseSLS

CheeseSLS - World of Warcraft Classic addon
Additional addon to allow usage of GoogleSheetDKP für Shroud Loot System

# Current functionality:

Shroud Loot System is based on gaining DKP (normally per time), bidding either HALF of all earned DKP or a fixed sum (which is recommended to be "one evening" worth of DKP).
On same bids, items are rolled for.

## Configurable

/csls config
presents a lot of config option on accepting bids and output to both raid and users

- timed countdown (configurable)
- prolongation if someone bids (configurable)

- can enable/disable offspec bid and set price

- can notify players that try to roll instead of bid

# Requirements

DKP are managed by GoogleSheetDKP
Rolls for same bids (mostly fixed) are handled by RollTrackerClassic. You need to enable "Need and Greed" mode!

# Usage

/csls [ItemLink]
starts bidding