Chef Time

Chef Time


Displays who has or does not have the food buff "Well Fed" and a flask/elixir buff.

Results can be sent to yourself, party, raid or battleground. There are 3 different levels of reporting.

There are 4 settings to choose from for each group type. You can individually control the output for these groups:

  • Self
  • Party
  • Raid 10
  • Raid 15
  • Raid 20
  • Raid 25
  • Raid 30
  • Raid 35
  • Raid 40
  • Battleground 10
  • Battleground 15
  • Battleground 40

Settings for each group type can be Disabled/Totals/Names/Details:

  • Disabled, no announcements at all.
  • Totals will display only the numbers of people food buffed and elixir/flask buffed.
  • Names will list all team members names which do not have a food or elixir/flask buff.
  • Details displays all team members food buff and elixir/flask with minutes remaining and links to the buff details.

Automatic reporting on ready-checks is an option for each group type.

The options can be modified via the Blizzard addon interface. Game Menu -> Interface -> AddOns -> Chef Time

Chef Time commands can be type with /kchef or /chef. Using the Chef Time command alone will display the results based on the options configured in the options panel. Additionally there are options you can use with the slash command. To use the options type the slash command followed by the options such as /chef (options).


  • o displays the options panel.
  • ? displays the this help panel.

Override options will ignore the set options in the options panel and output based on the typed options.

  • s = self
  • g = group
  • t = totals
  • n = names
  • d = details

Specify self (s) or group (g) with a type of output (t,n,g).


  • /chef st
  • /chef gn
  • /chef stg

I am no longer raiding and I am depending on you, the users of the addon to provide back reports. Thanks!!!

Bug Reports?

Suggestions, comments?

Elektrode (Grizzly Hills)