Class Hall

Class Hall



When playing wow beta, I got fed up with the class (order) hall bar so I removed it.

Class Hall was set out to remove that bar, and then report the data in multiple ways back to the user.


  • Class Hall UI Bar Removed.
  • Mini-map icon with mouseover tool-tip information about followers.
  • Troop Health
  • Slash Commands.
  • Debug Output
  • Data Text (In Beta Stage)

Planned Future Features

  • Movable Frame that displays the information.
  • Option to show frame or mouse over tool-tip.
  • Performance Enhancements

Known Issues

  • Too good to be true...None


Show or Hide Minimap Icon
  1. Type /ch to show or hide the minimap icon
Minimap Icon

Hover Minimap Icon to display mouseover tooltip.

ElvUI Data Text (Beta)
  1. Open ElvUI Options '/ec'
  2. Navigate to DataText
  3. Navigate to Panels
  4. Choose the Panel and select the 'ClassHall' option to show the Class Hall datatext

Feature Request or Bugs

Leave a comment or head to ClassHall Issue Tracker and leave a new issue.

Additional Information

Version 1.0.0 to launch when Legion releases. Periodic updates to come hopefully on weekly basis.


Ahealen <Pathogen> - Lightbringer

Special Thanks

Cerelynde <Shifty Casuals> - Bleeding Hollow - Tester DevoidCoding - On-Click Feature