Class Hall Finder


Class Hall Finder

This is a very simple addon. It creates a movable button that, when clicked, will tell you where the entrance to your Class Hall is located.

This addon is great for anyone who is going back and forth between multiple characters and needs a reminder on how to get back to their current character's Class Hall.

This addon will hide itself for any character below level 10.

New in Version 2.0

The addon now has the ability to give you directions you to your Artifact Forge starting where you zone in to your Class Hall by Shift+Clicking the button

Check Out My Other Addons

  • Artifact Button: Here
  • Bagnon Champion: Here
  • Cinematic Movie Sound: Here
  • Class Hall Finder: Here
  • Currency Tracker Lite: Here
  • Hunter Pet Helper: Here
  • Mind Vision Warning: Here
  • Relic Quest Reward: Here
  • Stat Priority Button: Here
  • TogglePvP: Here