

ClassHelper is a basic WoW Addon that will attempt to enhance your gameplay by adding warnings, timers, and other bars to your UI.
Although I have quit the game since the start of 2022 and I will not be playing again, I have sent one last patch to ready this addon for version 10.0. If you're still using my addon, thank you! Don't forget to read my farewell note at the bottom.
- The custom UnitFrames in this addon can be altered in many different ways, including change of color, glowing them, prioritizing debuffs, glowing debuffs, and more!
- This addon is a work-in-progress. If you have a suggestion for the UnitFrames, please suggest at
Features included:
- Mod editor (Shows syntax and keywords if enabled)
- Alerts (When programmed to, display warnings on your screen)
- Timer bars (When programmed to, display a timer bar with some text. This bar can run things when it expires, or can be used as a ticker for other events. EX: run a script when 5 seconds are left, rather than on expiration)
- Power bars (Can display a mana/energy/power bar anywhere on the screen with custom size, power text, and even change color depending on how much mana you have!)
- Raid frames (When programmed, the user can change the color of raid frames based on player auras.
- Lighting up spells on your action bar (The user can make a spell light up/un-light up on the action bar)
- More help is available in-game.
Things to know before installing:
1. If you are using a timer bar in the same mod multiple times, make sure you set it as reserved, or you will likely overwrite another timer bar created by another mod.
2. When setting points on a powerbar object, make sure you use the format [point, x, y, relative] since the powerbar:SetPoint() function is not compatible with any other formats of SetPoint()
3. When using dynamic power bars, it is recommended you refer to the Balance Druid Dynamic Power Bar example, as it contains full support for cost scaling, cast interrupt detection, and shows you exactly how to create a dynamic power bar.
4. When enabling or disabling a mod, make sure to save your changes, or the mod will not enable/disable.
5. When backing up your AddOn, ('/ch backup') all profiles are also backed up.
6. If you create a profile, there isn't many ways to transfer the mods between them. The recommendation is to create a new profile for each new character immediately.
7. This addon comes with no mods installed. You will need to code your own mods, or wait for the release of all class mods. (Should be created by this December)
8. Compatibility issues. If you have installed addons that alter your UI (EX: ElvUI, Healbot, Bartender, ...) some features may not completely be functional. EX: Lighting up a spell with ElvUI would do nothing, since it doesn't know to search the ElvUI bars. These issues will be fixed later if possible. You can actually light it up manually, by finding the action button using /fstack.
If you have any suggestions for this AddOn, please put them down below in the comments section!
Once again, this AddOn does not come with any mods installed. If you are looking for mods, you will have to code them using the given API.
More help is available in-game.
Happy gaming!
- Tedde
P.S. (Developer's farewell note)
I thank each and every one of you 15,000 downloaders on my profile for pushing that button. By doing so, you have supported a small advancement towards my goal of becoming a programmer. However, I am going to college, and I will not have time to deal with this game. I also realized at the same time that I was addicted to this game, and I won't be returning for life. However, this addon was my first milestone towards programming for communities, and it certainly helps to know that I'm not the only one out there with specific interests. If you'd like to support me, leave a comment somewhere as a time capsule, which in a few years when I might open this profile again I might read. This is my outro, we will meet somewhere again, probably in a bigger company where I have written millions if not billions of lines of code towards apps that many more people use. Farewell, players...