Classic Floating Combat Text

Classic Floating Combat Text


LUA Errors - Cataclysm Classic - Firelands

ShotaroKaneda opened this issue ยท 1 comments

ClassicFCT/config.lua:1194: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)
[string "@ClassicFCT/config.lua"]:1194: in function `CreateConfigPanel'
[string "@ClassicFCT/config.lua"]:1230: in main chunk

name = "ClassicFCT"
parent = nil
height = 800
Container = ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT {
 name = "ClassicFCT"
sf = ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT_ScrollFrame {
 scrolldownbutton = ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT_ScrollFrameScrollBarScrollDownButton {
 ScrollBar = ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT_ScrollFrameScrollBar {
 offset = 0
 scrollbar = ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT_ScrollFrameScrollBar {
 scrollupbutton = ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT_ScrollFrameScrollBarScrollUpButton {
sfname = "ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT_ScrollFrame"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = ClassicFCTConfigPanel_ClassicFCT {
 name = "ClassicFCT"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)"
CFCT = <table> {
 Config = <table> {
 ConfigPanels = <table> {
 _DefaultPresets = <table> {
 Presets = <table> {
 _log = <table> {
ClassicFCT/config.lua:324: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory' (a nil value)
[string "@ClassicFCT/config.lua"]:324: in function `Show'
[string "@ClassicFCT/config.lua"]:331: in function `?'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua"]:5034: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua:4980>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua"]:4686: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua"]:4722: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua:4718>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*ChatFrame.xml:120_OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*ChatFrame.xml:120_OnEnterPressed"]:1>

self = <table> {
 petheal = <table> {
 pethealcrit = <table> {
 filterAverageThreshold = 10
 mergeEventsBySchool = true
 pethealtickcrit = <table> {
 spelltickcrit = <table> {
 mergeEventsIntervalMode = "last"
 inheritNameplates = false
 healtick = <table> {
 areaX = 0
 mergeEventsInterval = 0.100000
 petautomiss = <table> {
 colorTableDotEnabled = false
 mergeEventsBySpellID = false
 animDuration = 1.800000
 colorTable = <table> {
 textStrata = "MEDIUM"
 dontOverlapNameplates = false
 petspelltickmiss = <table> {
 animSpeed = 1
 filterAbsoluteEnabled = false
 preventOverlapSpacingY = 50
 attachMode = "tn"
 spellIconOffsetX = 0
 filterRelativeThreshold = 10
 areaNX = 0
 filterAverageEnabled = false
 sortByDamage = false
 attachModeFallback = true
 spelltick = <table> {
 preventOverlap = true
 mergeEvents = false
 abbreviateNumbers = false
 filterAbsoluteThreshold = 100
 autocrit = <table> {
 preventOverlapSpacingX = 30
 mergeEventsIntervalOverrides = <table> {
 filterSpellBlacklist = <table> {
 heal = <table> {
 colorTableDot = <table> {
 spellIconAspectRatio = 1
 filterMissesEnabled = false
 petauto = <table> {
 petspelltickcrit = <table> {
 sortMissPrio = false
 mergeEventsCounter = true
 mergeEventsMisses = false
 kiloSeparator = true
 petautocrit = <table> {
 auto = <table> {
 spellIconOffsetY = 0
 automiss = <table> {
 filterRelativeEnabled = false
 healmiss = <table> {
 areaNY = 65
 spellIconZoom = 1
 mergeEventsByGuid = false
 petspell = <table> {
 spellmiss = <table> {
 spell = <table> {
 areaY = 150
 petspellcrit = <table> {
 petspelltick = <table> {
 mergeEventsBySpellIcon = true
 spelltickmiss = <table> {
 healcrit = <table> {
 spellcrit = <table> {
 petspellmiss = <table> {
 healtickmiss = <table> {
 pethealmiss = <table> {
 healtickcrit = <table> {
 pethealtickmiss = <table> {
 pethealtick = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory' (a nil value)"
CFCT = <table> {
 characterSpecificConfig = false
 selectedPreset = "Classic"
 lastVersion = "M0.87k"
 hideBlizzHeals = true
 _DefaultPresets = <table> {
 forceCVars = true
 hideBlizz = true
 Animating = <table> {
 enabled = true
 fontStringCache = <table> {
 ConfigPanels = <table> {
 Presets = <table> {
 _testMode = false
 eventCache = <table> {
 Config = <table> {
 spellIdCache = <table> {
 frame = ClassicFCT.frame {
 _log = <table> {
ClassicFCT/main.lua:710: attempt to index field 'ConfigPanel' (a nil value)
[string "@ClassicFCT/main.lua"]:710: in function <ClassicFCT/main.lua:707>
[string "@ClassicFCT/main.lua"]:1115: in function `MissEvent'
[string "@ClassicFCT/main.lua"]:1087: in function `?'
[string "@ClassicFCT/main.lua"]:876: in function <ClassicFCT/main.lua:876>

Skipped (In Encounter)


Your version is outdated, I fixed this 3 months ago.