- 1
lua error since new version
#8 opened by nicovermeiren - 5
Per-Spell Merge Interval
#4 opened by akbyrd - 2
Missing Events Depending on Merge Interval
#5 opened by akbyrd - 1
multiple errrors
#7 opened by Weetbix813 - 2
Cannot scroll on long font list
#19 opened by YetAnotherDevWannabe - 1
round function in ClassicFCT can break other addons
#11 opened by SapMagic - 6
Text display area fallback suggestion
#12 opened by Jake13f - 2
When a merged attack gets parried, the "Add Thousands Separator" comma does not append to the text
#13 opened by CrowJJ - 1
Addon does not show DK self heals
#14 opened by MikeJakubik - 1
CBTH on Friendly Nameplates
#15 opened by itsmekasta - 0
Lua Error all of a sudden
#16 opened by seskobrodo - 2
Damage Received
#17 opened by silverselo - 3
Suggestion/can not find feature
#18 opened by serenityprogress - 0
Damage Type Colors
#20 opened by Rdudiy - 0
Request Obliterate Color Category [not familiar with github so im not sure where else to post]
#21 opened by Rdudiy - 2
Classic FCT abbreviated numbers "k"
#22 opened by JulianJohansen - 4
[SoD] ClassicFCT nil value error; possibly due to Scrolling Function changes
#23 opened by illutian - 2
Unable to access settings
#24 opened by Ne9024 - 0
Fonts selection list.
#25 opened by strickland - 1
LUA Errors - Cataclysm Classic - Firelands
#26 opened by ShotaroKaneda - 1
(small issue) text above wrong frame
#2 opened by Stefangansevles - 1
9.1 PTR change
#3 opened by anaander