Classic Looking For Group

Classic Looking For Group

Join Group

Join Group

This is what Join Group looks like. You can Save your search from here once you have everything selected.
Multiple Dungeons

Multiple Dungeons

You can select multiple dungeons, raids and/or pvp instances to search for or filter!
Saved Search

Saved Search

Simple saved search that I can load or remove at any time in the future.


From here, you can ADD and REMOVE as many Premade GROUPS and players as you want while setting roles. Select LOAD and it will automatically invite the people in your list!
Context Menu

Context Menu

LFG113 Context menu to simplify and enter those names that may be hard to spell! Just right click on the players name in Chat, Friends list or Guild Roster!
Black List

Black List

From here, you can Add, Remove and see who is blacklisted and why!
Create and Search Group

Create and Search Group

Here, you cvan view who is LOOKING for people AND groups. You can not create a search from here.
Create Group

Create Group

This is what Create a Group looks like. You can Save your search from here once you have everything selected.
Blacklist in Action

Blacklist in Action

X and background Badge marks someone you Blacklisted in the Create Group, Join Group or Both!