Core Loot Manager DKP & EPGP & SK

Core Loot Manager DKP & EPGP & SK


Add all auto-dkp management during raid

lantisnt opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  1. Add support for:

  2. On Time bonus on raid initialization

  3. Boss Kill bonus on boss kill - this will require adding support of boss kill event detection (leverage from other addon / lib?)

  4. Raid finish bonus on raid end

All of the above should be configurable in the GUI + should be able to have 2 modificators:

  1. Online only - only online people will get the points
  2. Include standby - include people on the standby list also when giving points

Both of the modificators are additivie so if you select both people that are on standby list but are online will get the points.

Additionaly there needs to be GUI added:

  1. Boss kill bonus (leverage encounter / boss id from lib) configuration in roster config
  2. Option to select / deselect (temporary) options during raid initialization in case of reinitializing and not wanting to award the points again

Postpone until #43 is done and connect it with the raid tracking