Core Loot Manager DKP & EPGP & SK

Core Loot Manager DKP & EPGP & SK


Classic Loot Manager

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Classic Loot Manager is a robust Loot Tracking and awarding tool for guilds. It's designed to superseed old WoW Classic DKP and EPGP AddOns and it's derivatives and solves it's biggest painpoints by focusing on optimial communication and storage. CLM implements Event Sourcing and MVC programming models to achieve those targets. All data is synchronised automatically.


Be sure to check our Wiki for lots of information.

Point Systems

Classic Loot Manager currently supports DKP and EPGP. There are also mechanisms for utilizing DKP as SK which you can run at the same time!

Implemented features

Auto-magical synchronisation

Multiple roster (teams) support

With CLM unconquered scalability, you can run multiple DKP, EPGP and SK systems in your guild, even at the same time!

Multiple item auction

CLM allows to auction virtually any amount of items during single auction.

Alt-main linking

Profile locking

If you want to block some players from receiving points or being charged for items just lock their profile!

Mulit-level Access Control

  • Managers can control every aspect of the AddOn.
  • Assistants can award loot and DKP but can't control roster settings.

DKP point system

  • Fine-grained configurable awarding and decaying
  • Configurable weekly and hard point caps
  • Zero-Sum Bank mode + inflation
  • Taxation options

EPGP point system

  • All the goodies from DKP and also:
  • Minimum GP configuration

Multiple auction modes

  • Open auction with configurable minimum bid increment and announcements
  • Support for anonymous bidding
  • Closed and Vickrey bid systems
  • Configurable per-slot min and max item values
  • Configurable per-item min and max item values
  • Static (constant) and Ascending item value systems for bidding
  • Tiered bid system, extending min and max values to up to 5 tiers
  • Configurable edge-case handling
  • Configurable award multipliers per class

Named buttons for bidding

  • You can now use named buttons instead of numbers for ease of implementing various loot systems while still keeping the value-based functionalities.

History tracking and management

  • Fine grained point history
  • Item awards with all related information (when, who, how much)

Extensive Auctioning system


  • Configurable Anti-snipe protection
  • Auction from corpse or bag (default: alt-click)
  • Simple item awarding
  • Award item without auction through slash command
  • Optional bid storing and posting to configured channel
  • Item Upgrade information during auction


  • Value increments (open bid mode only)
  • Alerts and notifications

Automated DKP / EP awards

  • All options are configurable
  • On-time bonus - awarded when starting raid
  • Raid completion bonus - awarded when ending raid
  • Interval bonus - awarded every interval minutes
  • Boss kill bonus - configurable per boss and through global value

Multiple simultaneous Raids management

  • Raid management and auto-creating profiles and filling roster when initializing raid
  • Multi-level logging for better issue handling

Chat commands

  • Send !dkp and !bid Whisper or Raid commands for bidding without using addon
  • Out of guild bidding using commands or CLM


  • Auditing UI - Check and manage all events that happened in the addon
  • Time travel mode - correct errors and add entries in history to keep the data in place


  • Built-in migration from MonolithDKP, EssentialDKP, CommunityDKP, BastionLoot and CEPGP
  • Loot tracking queue for fast auctioning
  • Auto-posting loot to raid channel
  • Player spec and role tracking
  • DKP and GP price information on tooltip

External integrations

Upgrading to v2.0.0 from 1.9.x

Be sure to read before upgrading to v2.0.0 If you wish to use your current standings during prepatch, you can now import the data from version 1.9.x. This will however import only your profiles (without linking), standings and rosters (without history and configuration). To export the data:

In v1.9.x:

  • Open Export GUI (Minimap or /clm export)
  • Select: Standings (only) and JSON format (default)
  • Select which rosters and profiles you want to export (all by default)
  • Export
  • Copy the resulting JSON to a file and save it

In v2.0.0:

  • Open Import GUI (/clm import)
  • Paste your exported JSON string
  • Click Accept If the data parse will be successfull you will now be able to import it by clicking: Import
[Import should be executed only once in guild]


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE and NOTICE files for more.