Classic Threat
Updated 2 years ago
Created 4 years ago
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Two stacked barframes No.3 - Threat on multiple targets
Casting just another potentially lethal Blizzard: I (Salasan) have aggro from two Coilfang Warriors (bottom bar frame). The 120%-one is also my current target (top bar frame).
Player has threat from non-target enemy
Player has threat from non-target enemy, also tank (party1) has threat on another enemy
Unit frame threat explained by two bar frames
This image is intended to clarify the numbers on the unit frames using two bar frames: I am currently at 78% threat from my target (Coilfang Siren) and the highest overall threat on me is 129% from a Coilfang Warrior.
Interface Settings
Two stacked barframes No.1 - Simple Example
In this image you can see two bar frames placed horizontally on top of earch other. The top one is set to "target", the bottom one to myself (I'm playing the mage Salasan here). As you can see, the tank (Howk) is successfully holding threat (319%).
Two stacked barframes No.4 - Target barframe on party member
These are the same two bar frames as in the examples before. I just changed my target to the tank (Howk), which is currently holding aggro on three out of four enemies (top bar frame). Only the Coilfang Siren is after me (bottom bar frame).
Player has threat on target
Player has threat on target, also tank (party1) has threat from another enemy. Threat for party2 is not displayed, because player is not in combat.
Two stacked barframes No.2 - Overaggroed
On this image you can see that I (Salasan) overaggroed the tank (Howk) on the Coilfang Myrmidon (top bar frame). Also I have threat on two additional Coilfang Warriors (bottom bar frame).
Target-Target Threat Frame
Player Pet Threat Frame
Tank (party3) threat > 100%
Tank has threat, party is well below 100%