Classic Weapon Enchants

Classic Weapon Enchants


Classic Weapon Enchants


  1. Hover to open the flyout menu.

  2. Click weapon enchant.

  • Left-click: Apply the selected enchant to the main hand weapon
  • Right-click: Apply the selected enchant to the off-hand weapon

Supports Season of Discovery ✔️


  1. Hover to open the flyout menu.
  2. Click weapon enchant.
    1. Left-click: Apply the selected enchant to the main hand weapon
    2. Right-click: Apply the selected enchant to the off-hand weapon

Supports Season of Discovery ✔️.

Slash Commands

usage: /cwe {command} {arg}

  • show - Shows the flyout toggle
  • hide - Hides the flyout toggle
  • reset - Resets the flyout menu to its default position
  • debug - Toggles debug print statements
  • direction or dir - Sets the direction of the flyout menu
    • up - Flyout will appear above the toggle button (default)
    • down - Flyout will appear below the toggle button
    • left - Flyout will appear to the left of the toggle button
    • right - Flyout will appear to the right of the toggle button
  • lines - Sets the number of lines in the flyout menu
    • 1 - Flyout menu will have 1 line (default)
    • 2 - Flyout menu will have 2 lines
    • 3 - Flyout menu will have 3 lines (pictured)
    • Inputs beyond 3 not encouraged; maybe not behave as expected
  • delay - Sets the delay duration in seconds for the flyout menu to hide after the mouse leaves the flyout
    • [0.2, 5] - number between 0.2 and 5, inclusive
    • default is 0.5, recommended is 0.25
    • Inputs clamped
  • icon - Sets the flyout toggle button's icon
    • arg is a either a number, which can be a iconFileID or a preset [0-4]
      • 0 - This fallback icon is dynamic based on the players class.
      • 1 - Poison icon
      • 2 - Weapon oil icon
      • 3 - Sharpening stone icon
      • 4 - Shaman enhancement icon
    • or a iconFilePath string such as "Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_QuestionMark"


  1. <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Add Dropdown settings on right clicking the toggle button to allow for some customization

    1. Would include options such as:
      • Flyout direction
      • Flyout Toggle Mode (Click/Hover)
      • Hide delay duration on hover mode
      • add a "Hide" option to completely hide the flyout toggle
  2. <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" checked="checked" /> Add support or additional flyout directions.

    roughly implemented. The buttons are not organized in a way that makes sense for the new directions, but the flyout does appear in the correct location.

    1. <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Fix the button organization for the new directions
  3. <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Add a "click" mode for the flyout toggle by implement it as checkbox widget.

  4. <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" checked="checked" /> fix bug with debug value being reset to false on reload occasionally.


Because these actions are all "protected" (casting a spell/using an item in), during combat the addon's functionality may be limited.

For now im not handling the edge case of getting new weapon enchant items while in combat, so if you get a new item/enchant while in combat you will have to wait until you are out of combat to see it in the flyout. (extremely rare edge case)