


ClassicChatFilter is an user-friendly tool to filter your chat's channels messages and help you see only what might interest you.

It is designed mainly to make the usual very crowded channels like /world readable by allowing you to filter the shown messages using whitelisted and blacklisted keywords.

It works with a few simple features with an user-friendly(-ish?) UI :

  • Blacklist keywords showing in messages you don't want to see
  • Whitelist keywords showing in messages you want to see and combine keywords like dungeons/raids and roles when looking for a group/raid/guild, e.g.tankand (scholo or strat)
  • Save and switch between your profiles easily, changing from looking for a scholo group as a healer in /LookingForGroup to looking for a Thunderfury meme in /world.

Make it less of a headache trying to find a group while keeping it Classic!

ClassicChatFilter can be easily and fully set up using its in-game UI.

Type /ccf or go into Interface Options->Addons->ClassicChatFilter

Setup example :
Setup UI

With this example, you would only see messages such as :
Example filter

Future development includes :
- Localization support (if you want to help please contact me !)
- Multiple profiles activation for different filtering depending on channels
- Advanced custom filters like "(filter1 or filter2) and not filter3"