Classic Gear Set

Classic Gear Set



A World of Warcraft Classic addon to manage your character's gear.


In the chatbox:

  • /cgs or /cgs help to show the user manual
  • /cgs list to list saved gear sets
  • /cgs macro <true|false> to enable or disable creation/update of weapon swap macro on save. Note that the macro is never deleted on gear set deletion.
  • /cgs save <gear name> to save the gear set (the gear name may contain spaces) and set the saved gear as active
  • /cgs load <gear name> to load the gear set and set the saved gear as active
  • /cgs delete <gear name> to delete the gear set
  • /cgs cancel to revert a save or delete made by mistake

Note: the save and load commands can be used without a <gear name> to save/load the active gear (be careful with this feature)

To avoid typing the ClassicGearSet load command I recommand to create macro for each set.

/cgs load awesome

What the **** does the weapon swap macro thing ?

When weapon swap macro handling is actived a macro named <gear name>_cgs is created or updated. Example of macro:

/equipslot 16 Black Water Hammer
/equipslot 17 Honed Stiletto of the Monkey

if you play a warrior or a druid you can modify the macro to change your stance like:

/cast Defensive Stance
/equipslot 16 Black Water Hammer
/equipslot 17 Honed Stiletto of the Monkey

When automatic update modify the macro it searches for the first /equipslot occurence and wipe to only replace the weapons.


  • Save a gear set from the character panel

  • Load a gear set from the character panel

    • check that a piece of equipment is missing and raise the issue to the player
    • check that there is room in bags prior to unequip
  • Having SlashCmdList to load/save/list gears

    • for example /cgs load gearname to load the gear set named gearname
  • Automatic weapon swap macro creation/update on saving gearset

  • v1.0.0: Command line addon

  • v1.0.1: bug fix

  • v1.1.0: add weapon swap macro handling

  • v1.2.0: change data saved from item name to item ID to avoid localization problem, also add a cancel command to revert save/delete command

  • v1.2.1: minor fix for WoW Classic v1.13.3

  • v1.2.2: minor fix for WoW Classic v1.13.4

  • v1.2.3: minor fix for WoW Classic v1.13.5

  • v1.2.4: minor fix for WoW Classic v1.13.6

  • v1.2.5 [current]: minor fix for WoW Classic v1.13.7

  • maybe one day v2.0.0: The gear sets are manageable from the character panel


This addon is inspired by EquipmentSets by Fr0stwing. EquipmentSets works well and covers most of my needs but I wanted to know how it was working and maybe add some features. So this is not realy a fork as I plan to rewrite all the code but without EquipmentSets this addon would not exist.


Miself (Aleron Wen) and people from my WoW Classic guild that have tested this thing.


This project is under MIT License