


This module has been been replaced by clcInfo_Warrior and will no longer be updated


This Arms Warrior module:

  • is PvE
  • is Single Target
  • requires clcInfo to work

This module is based on Madiator's nicely done clcprotwarrior module.

If you landed here first and are wondering how the heck to use this, check out the sample configuration section below and/or the tutorials sections of the clcInfo Wiki.

MoP Update

The module has been updated for WoD pat 6.2.2 and barebones rotation logic is fully functional. That said, there are a number of minor bugs and incomplete features.

Behavior Templates - Icons

  • Arms Rotation Current Ability - suggestion for current ability
  • Arms Rotation Next Ability - suggestion for next ability

Behavior Templates - Multi-Icons

Not yet implemented

Behavior Templates - Bars

Not yet implemented


Based primarily on the Icy-veins Arms Warrior guide:

Outside CS:

  1. Execute/Sudden Death
  2. Rend
  3. Ravager
  4. Colossus Smash
  5. Mortal Strike
  6. Level 60 Talent
  7. Whirlwind

Inside CS:

  1. Execute/Sudden Death
  2. Mortal Strike
  3. Level 60
  4. Whirlwind

Example Configuration

There is an import.txt file included in the clcInfo_ArmsWarrior folder. You can import this configuration to begin using the addon immediately. To do this, simply copy the entire contents of import.txt, paste into the Import tab of the currently active template and click "Accept". It should be noted that the rage bar featured is sinacbe's ClassMonitor and is not included in this package. An integrated resource monitor has been implemented.