


Frame Blacklist Support

nedempst opened this issue · 45 comments


Want to have the ability to blacklist say your player and target frame from having the keybind (essentially would only need it for right and left mouse clicks) and have it work for whatever is not there.

This functionality is inside clique so I would assume it's possible :)



Thanks! Will be available in the next release :)


Does clicked use a lot of resources? I wonder if you could enable a lightweight mode for those that would only use it for the clique options.?

The addon doesn't do anything that should negatively impact performance, generally all the configuration options are only applied when you update them (or when you log in / reload).

The only exception right now is that it also re-applies the configuration when entering or leaving combat, I'll look into removing the need for that in the 1.0.0 release, but it doesn't really impact performance in the current state either.

Also, I guess no way to import macros from the blizzard ones or keybinds from say bartender or dominoes ?

Sadly no way to import stuff from existing macros, no.

Have you heard of an addon called macro toolkit? I was wondering if you could includ some sort of color scheme like it has for the command and elements in macros.

I'll look into something along those lines :)


It requires some effort on the part of the unit frame addon in order to support click-casting. If Clicked doesn't pick them up and Clique also doesn't pick them up it's likely that the addon dev hasn't added click-casting support.

There's a global table called ClickCastFrames that the unit frame addon has to register its frames into in order for Clicked to pick them up.

_G.ClickCastFrames[frame] = true -- to register a frame
_G.ClickCastFrames[frame] = false -- to unregister a frame

I tried it out in DRF (I think those are the unit frames you're referring to) and all the author has to do is change their Show and Hide calls to this:

uf.btn:Show() -- line 1203
ClickCastFrames[uf.btn] = true
ClickCastFrames[uf.btn] = false
uf.btn:Hide() -- line 1208
ClickCastFrames[uf.btn] = false
uf.btn:Hide() -- line 1244

Could look into that at some point in the future, but the custom macro option is intended to be the fallback option if the interface doesn't support what you want to accomplish (I only use custom macros for /w somedruid Innervate) so I prefer adding support to the main interface for features that you're missing instead :)


I think I can do what I want to do without macros now that you reminded me. In the past I created them and dumped multiple specs different ones in there but I think I can use the regular stuff now and just load it on different types of toons in menu right ?

Yep! Clicked will automatically combine all different bindings using the same button and smartly prioritize them based on what you're targeting and what load options you configured. So you can specify a binding to only load when in a specific specialization and bind it to the same key as a binding with another specialization and it will work :)

I wouldn't recommend combining multiple characters of different classes into a single profile though.

Is spell known OK to put in the PVP talents (if loaded) like for instance if I wanted to use a right click to cast void form if I have
selected that PVP talent, and it no will load another one to use my engineering rez.

Yep, spell known should almost certainly pick up PvP talents, if it doesn't, let me know! In the future I'll add a talent dropdown for PvP talents similar to the dropdown for regular talents as well.

Is there a function to group the bindings and commands or perhaps have them tree into sub groups, or move them around.

In the new version from today I've added a search bar which may help.


Thanks! There's no harm to combining the two, when configured within Clicked it will take over control of the keybind but any keybindings that are not configured within Clicked will keep doing what they're doing, so it's perfectly safe to not convert everything in one go.

Don't worry, unless Shadowlands is absolute garbage I'll be around :)


Possible to add "targetoftarget" to the list of possible target's list ?

Will do :)


Hm, does updating to 0.13.1 fix it?


Oh hi! I've been a bit preoccupied with other stuff for the past week

Hi does clicked follow this priority so the first one will be the default followed by the next one if there is no focus ?

Note entirely sure what you mean here, but in general Clicked will automatically prioritize bindings as you configure them, so if you fill in "focus" or "target" or "player" in the target configuration it will first try the "focus" and if it doesn't exist (or is invalid due to friend/hostile modifiers) it will go to the next one in the list. It will also take modifiers into account between different bindings on the same key, so if you have one thats "friendly target" and another binding that is just "target" it will first check for a friendly target.

Would be great if you could simply "rename" a macro even if you won't be able to see the icon or whatever just so I can figure out which one is which.

I'll add this and (basic) custom icon selection to the next version.

Also maybe make something for stance macros like this one too into the UI not sure if it's possible :)

You can already do this 😄 in the load options you can select a stance (if your current class supports it), so on druids you'll be able to make it only load if you're in cat form for example. You can switch between the stance toggle twice to enable "multiple" stances mode which allows you to check multiple stances in which is should be active (look for the gray checkmark).

Yeah would be great if you can set a priority so that if I use abilities shared. (Like you can use wild charge AND maim on the same keybind even though both are offensive and it works in a macro but one is distance one is not.

Not possible unfortunately, even if you can tell it to try casting Maim first there's no way for the addon to know that the cast failed (the "Out of range." error message from Blizzard will show up).

Another suggestion is I figured out how to click multiple forms. Can you enable it so you can select all forms in the load section no matter what spec you are in? Can't select boomie if you are in feral for some options and in some cases you would like that.

See above :)


Won't function right? As in bindings did not work or the UI did not accept changes?


Hi! I don't think you've attached anything to that comment


I still can't see any screenshots. Can you post the Lua error and the contents of /cc dump on the profile too? On both characters preferably.
