


Hidden Druid shapeshift forms do not work

Snakybo opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Unique small issue for resto druids: If we have a binding set to only load in certain forms, there is no option to make it cast in Incarnation (this form does not count as noform for macros). So for instance, I have wrath, moonfire, and sunfire set to load only in non-cat forms so I can double up cat abilities on those keys, but that means I can't cast those when incarnation is up.

If it helps any, macro-wise we get:

  • [form:0] Humanoid
  • [form:1] Bear Form
  • [form:2] Cat Form
  • [form:3] Travel Form
  • [form:4] Moonkin Form
  • [form:5] Treant Form
  • [form:6] Mount Form
  • [form:7] Incarnation: Tree of Life

Any form from 4 to 7 that is not known decrements the form numbers following it by 1. So, if I have balance affinity, but not treant, incarnation will be 6. If I don't have mount or treant and spec out of balance affinity, Incarnation will be 4, etc.

When I've had to mess with this through macros in the past, I ended up using both a [form] conditional and either a [talent:3/1] or a [notalent:3/1] conditional to get the macro to act appropriately.