

Created a long time ago at the request of a guildmate, I decided to polish it up and publish it if anyone else was interested.

This addon allows you to specify a modifier key for use with the click-to-move feature. It also has a few additional features, listed below;

Configuration is simple, and all done through the command line. To see the options in-game just enter /ctm or /clicktomove, this will show you the following options:

CTM commands:
/ctm shift/alt/control : Require this key to be held. Only one can be changed at a time     -     Use this with any of the 3 mentioned modifier keys to start or stop requiring that modifier to use click-to-move. More than one modifier can be required, but only one can be changed at a time using this command.

/ctm combat : Enable or disable combat lockout     -     With combat lockdown enabled, click-to-move will not work in combat at all, no matter which modifiers are used.

/ctm explicit : Require exact modifier     -     This option requires you to use exactly the modifiers specified in your settings, so for example if you have only shift required to activate click-to-move, and you have this option enabled, holding shift AND ctrl or shift AND alt will not allow you to use click-to-move, only when you are holding the EXACT modifiers specified (shift in this case) will it activate.

After listing these options, it will show your current settings. The settings listed below are my personal settings, and also the default settings that will load when the addon is first installed;

CTM: currently requires: alt, combat lockdown is enabled, explicit modifiers is disabled