

Tired of your followers desperately trying to grab your attention whenever you walk around your garrison? Tired of being told by the game that you are not in a raid group when you are? ClutterCleaner is the solution to all the aforementioned problems - and more!


  • Removing NPC spam in Warspear/Stormshield from their chat window
  • Removing NPC spam in their garrison from their chat window
  • Removing unwanted "You are not in a raid group" messages from their chat window
  • Removing unwanted "You aren't in a party." messages from their chat window
  • Removing most unwanted "No player named '%s' is currently playing." messages from their chat window
  • Offering the option to remove system message spam when changing talents or switching specs. They should still be able to see when they acquire new skills when leveling up
  • Offering the option to remove "%s has gone offline" messages if that person is not in their guild or friends list
  • Removing NPC spam from their bodyguards while they tag along with them.
  • Removing DND/AFK spam when repeatedly whispering someone. After having received such a warning, they won't be displayed again until you haven't whispered that person for over two minutes.
  • Fixing bug where offline messages are shown twice.

If you have any feedback, wish to see a certain feature implemented or have a bug report, please drop a comment down below and I'll get back to you ASAP.