Chuck Norris Facts

Chuck Norris Facts


What it does

A small mod which will display Chuck Norris facts to you and output to selected chat channels. Has anti-spam mechanisms built in.

Where to get it


I have setup a donation site via Plegie. Feel free to donate if you like this mod. I have put countless hours of time and effort into it along with many people who have helped me. I did not write this mod with the intent to make any money from it, I wrote it to help me with some needs that I saw in-game.

How to get it to work

Type /chuck or /cnf to display a Chuck Norris fact to yourself. Add a parameter such as say, party, raid, or guild to output to those channels.


  • /chuck
    - Will print out a Chuck Norris fact for you to see.
  • /chuck say
    - Will print out a Chuck Norris fact in say.
  • /chuck guild
    - Will print out a Chuck Norris fact in guild.


  • Display Chuck Norris facts:
    • /chuck
    • /cnf


To contribute to a localization, please visit the localization application. Anyone can add to these lists. Please feel free to contribute.

Known Issues

All known issues will be kept at the Curseforge tracker.

Please use the Curseforge tracker to file bug reports.

Wish List

Please use the Curseforge tracker to add suggestions and feature requests.

Bug Reporting

Please use the Curseforge tracker to file bug reports.

