


Undeadguy - NetherWind | Coins version 0.7b


A WoW Addon to track your farming session!
With Coins you can see where your gold is coming from and save sessions to compare later!

-Tracks Gold from Items, Professions, and Monsters..
-Tracks Gold per Hour!
-Save Sessions of all your favorite farm spots to compare!

Coins Title

-Left Click                - Show Log
-Right Click              - Start/Stop Recording Session
-MiddleMouse Click - Reset/New Session

Sessions Button

Left Click                  - Show Saved Sessions List
Right Click               - Save Session

Sessions List

Left Click                  - Load Session
MiddleMouse Click  - Erase Session

Slash Cmds

/wipecoins                - Erase All Sessions

#Known Issues
1. While in a party, if you loot the corpse, items you have to roll for are incorrectly added to the log regardless if you won the item.


* 0.7b
   * Update, Saved sessions are now highlighted when hovering over making it easier to select sessions.
   * Update, Removed MiddleMouse Click to remove all sessions, replaced by slash cmd, type "/wipecoins" to erase all sessions.
* 0.7a
   * Fixed bug, Saved Session names were not being truncated properly.
* 0.7*
   * Fixed bug, Saved Sessions were misaligned on the Sessions list, making it harder to click them.   
   * Fixed bug, Saved Session Logs were not being loaded if you started a new session then tryed to reload a saved session.
* 0.6b
    * Fixed bug, Resumed Sessions were not loading time correctly.
* 0.6a   
    * Fixed bug, Logs were being reset upon Resuming a Saved Session.
* 0.6
    * Fixed bug, Sessions were not being saved correctly.
    * Fixed bug, Nil reference error.

Thank you for downloading Coins!