Color Picker Advanced

Color Picker Advanced


Color Picker Advanced is a replacement for the standard Color Picker. It's redesigned from the start using Sliders and Digit Editing to help you get the exact color you desire. Beyond the standard Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Color Picker Advanced also offers an HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) Editing block. Up to 20 Favorite colors can be stored and recalled at any time (even if you end up canceling the current color). Additionally, up to 20 Recent History colors will be saved to be recalled at any time. Now includes a Color Swatch area with colors for All Classes (even with the announce color for Demon Hunters!), Faction colors, Item Quality color, and a Rainbow with darks and lights. Each section can be toggled On or Off as you like.


Color Picker Advanced started in the middle of Cataclysm in September of 2011. As with some of my other projects, this has been kept private for myself, family, friends, and guildies. After much convincing by my wife and friends, I am releasing most (not quite all) of my AddOns to the public. I hope you find something useful. Thanks!


  • Integration seamlessly replaces the standard Color Picker.
  • R,G,B,A Sliders with Digit text entry.
  • Hex Code text entry.
  • Original starting color (clickable to reset the Color Picker).
  • Current color shows what you'll get.
  • H, S, B Sliders with Digit text entry.
  • 20 Favorite color slots.
  • 20 History color slots.
  • Class Color Swatches (with Demon Hunter).
  • Faction Color Swatches.
  • Item Quality Color Swatches.
  • Rainbow Color Swatches with Darkness and Lightness + Black and White.
  • Mouse-Wheel over Sliders for better accuracy.
  • Toggle each section On/Off to see what you want, hide what you don't want.