Combat Bar

Combat Bar


Combat bar shows a bar on the screen that predicts who is going to win the current fight and show the most likely outcome by current stats.

It does this either by current health percentages or by the default of computed time to die (for both you and the target).

Percentages gives a more lively bar however time to die seems more accurate and informative (at least to me).

It has basic multi targeting abilities being if the mob is at 100% when you target them (with you already in combat) the time calculation starts then

but if it was already damaged the time calculation will be started from when you entered combat with the first mob of the fight. The time will rapidly

correct itself as the fight progresses and won't make too much of a difference where your life is concerned.

You also have the choice of showing the times to die under the bar or not.

There is a pic of you on one side of the bar and a pic of your target on the other. 

The bar fills green or red depending on who is going to die first...

The bar is movable, resizable and when Free Move isn't enabled, click through-able. 

You can move the bar by typing /combatbar and using the position sliders or by enabling free move, closing the config page and typing "/combatbar show"

then ctrl-shift-drag where you want it. Type "/combatbar hide" when done