Van32's CombatMusic - Tiered Bosses


You need to have a version of CombatMusic later than revision 575 to use this module!

Not sure what revision of CombatMusic you have installed? Type /combatmusic ingame and check the version number at the top of the settings window. You'll see something like "release_v5.4.11.560"... That 4th number there, is the current addon revision.


Is one set of boss music not good enough for your needs?

This module will make it so that you can have two different levels for bosses in CombatMusic, one for those whimpy swine of bosses, and then one for the glorious raid bosses!


You're going to set this module up like you would every other song type in CombatMusic, except, you're going to add a third folder, and call it "RaidBosses", and stick the songs you want to play for that type of boss in this new folder. Confused? Check the README!.

This module will pull it's songs using CombatMusic's engine through the "RaidBosses" folder, so you'll want to add any of your super-epic songs there before you start World of Warcraft.

What it does:

It's pretty simple. It hooks two of the functions CombatMusic uses, and changes how they work, to give a bit more detail back on what kind of target you're fighting... With this addon running, these are what each type of monster now become:

  • Boss
    • A monster with a calculated level difference that's at least 5 levels higher than you...
    • Any elite in a non-instanced area.
    • Any hostile player
  • Raid boss
    • Anything who's level is "-1" or "??" in game.
    • Anything marked as "Boss" in the default UI, or with "worldboss" classification

Other stuff

This addon was created as a request by Curse user Silver-Gryphon. Thanks for the idea, and I hope it's what you were looking for!