


Build Status CombatTimeTracker on Discord

Combat Time Tracker


  • Automatically starts a custom stopwatch when entering combat.
  • Automatically stops the stopwatch when exiting combat.
  • Tracks fastest kill times for each BoD fight on each difficulty.
  • Check to see if it's your longest fight, then updates if it was.
  • Option to change text color.
  • Option to change the text format on the tracker.
  • Option to resize the tracker(within reason).
  • Option to select which font to use for the text.
  • Option to change the backdrop opacity.
  • Option to choose when the tracker loads:
    • Dungeons Only
    • Raids Only
    • Dungeons and Raids Only
    • Everywhere (selected by default)

Coming Soon:

  • Finish locale support

Slash Commands:

  • /ctt - opens options menu
  • /ctt help - prints all slash commands
  • /ctt reset - reset the tracker to 0 (this happens automatically when you enter combat or start a boss)
  • /ctt resetfull - sets the tracker to default settings
  • /ctt lock - either lock or unlock the tracker frame
  • /ctt show - shows the tracker if it's hidden
  • /ctt hide - hides the tracker if it's visible
  • /ctt longest - prints out the longest recorded fight

Contact Me:

To report a problem please use the following link to join my discord server. Then go to the Combat Time Tracker section in discord and post in the bug-reports. To request a feature, please use the follow link to join my discord server and post in the ctt-feature-requests. * Discord
