


ConsoleBags is a bag addon built specifically with Gamepads in mind.

Utilizing the functionality of  ConsolePort's fantastic cursor implementation, everything bag related can be done with a controller in hand. You can use ConsoleBags with a mouse and keyboard, but it is optimized for a controller experience.

With ConsoleBags, you can:
  • View your bags and bank in a simple, organized list
  • Sort your items by various criteria: name, rarity, item level, required level, and sell price
  • Quickly filter the item list using the gamepad with preset categories: BoA, BoE, Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, Trinkets, Trade Goods, Misc, Quest Items
  • Easily identify new items when they are acquired
  • See additional information from Pawn and CanIMogIt on the item icons
  • Customize item icons with Masque
  • Switch to the default Blizzard bags when needed
  • Perform actions such as equip, use, sell, or delete items with a controller (via ConsolePort)
  • Use LB/RB to switch the active category filter
Upcoming Features:
  • Better 'Bank' view and features (Reagent Bag, etc.)
  • Account-wide features
    • Inventory
    • Money
  • View Customization
    • Resizable Columns
    • Show/Hide Columns