Consumable Checker

Consumable Checker


The Consumable Checker is a lightweight  addon that assists players in monitoring consumable buffs for both individual characters and raid groups. It monitors the presence of food buffs and flasks among raid members, offering an interface to visualize missing buffs in real time and provide notifications when buffs are missing. Additionally, it allows quick access to announce missing buffs and opens an options panel for user preferences.

The addon includes the following key features:

  1. Raid Buff Checker:

    • Detects and displays the absence of food buffs and flasks among raid members.
    • Provides real time visual and chat notifications for individual player buffs.
  2. Announcement Functionality:

    • Facilitates the announcement of missing buffs to the raid group, streamlining communication.
  3. Options Panel:

    • Offers an options panel for customization and settings management.
  4. Feast Detection:

    • Tracks the placement of feasts (Fish Feast and Great Feast) within raid environments.
    • Provides notifications regarding feast placements by identifying the buff presence and remaining duration.
  5. Slash Commands:

    • /buff test: Displays test messages and checks individual player buffs.
    • /buff show: Shows the main frame for buff monitoring.
    • /buff hide: Hides the main frame for buff monitoring.

With the Consumable Checker addon, players can efficiently manage and ensure the presence of essential consumable buffs within their raid group while being alerted to the placement of feasts for optimal raid preparation and performance.

Please note that the addon is still in developement.

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Any feedback is welcome.

Food buffs included in addon:

Fish Feast, Tender Shoveltusk Steak, Firecracker Salmon, Mega Mammoth Meal, 

Poached Northern Sculpin, Spiced Worm Burger, Spicy Blue Nettlefish, 

Very Burnt Worg, Imperial Manta Steak, Mighty Rhino Dogs, Spicy Fried Herring,

Rhinolicious Wormsteak, Hearty Rhino, Snapper Extreme, Worg Tartare, Cuttlesteak,

Blackened Dragonfin, Dragonfin Filet                

Flask included in addon:

Flask of the Frost Wyrm, Flask of Stoneblood, Flask of Pure Mojo, Flask of Endless Rage,  

Lesser Flask of Resistance, Elixir Distilled Wisdom, Elixir of Lightning Speed, Elixir of Mighty Thoughts,

Guru's Elixir, Spellpower Elixir, Elixir of Expertise, Elixir of Accuracy, Elixir of Armor Piercing,

Elixir of Mighty Strength, Elixir of Mighty Agility,Wrath Elixir, Elixir of Mighty Mageblood, Elixir of Deadly Strikes,

Elixir of Spirit, Elixir of Protection, Elixir of Mighty Fortitude, Elixir of Mighty Defense