


About CopyPasta:
Noun:  copypasta - A block of text which has been copied and pasted from somewhere else.
Etymology: Blend of copy +‎ paste, likely also with a suffix like -a, from -er.

CopyPasta is a forked version of the Paste addon by oscarucb who has been missing in action since the 7.1 patch.  Many people have attempted to reach out to the original author but there has been no response.  We hope all is well with him.  Due to the usefulness and popularity of his addon, it was necessary to fork his project and make it compatible with 8.x.  CopyPasta is essentially identical to paste but with its libraries updated for use with Battle for Azeroth.  This addon will be discontinued should oscarucb return from his hiatus to update paste.

Important Usage Note:
This addon is a drop-in replacement for paste, which is to say it works exactly like it, with all of its commands and help text.  You must disable paste for this one to function properly.

Regarding licensing:
With the exception of the ace libraries, the code from the original addon is "licensed" as "All Rights Reserved," a term made obsolete in 2000, and his code includes no definitions of usage or licensing document.  Having said that, my interpretation of his intentions is that he doesn't want someone else to steal and take credit for his work and I will honor this.  Because "All Rights Reserved" is not a license agreement, should I make any minor, yet necessary changes to the core of the addon, only said changes will be licensed under MIT license and this will be reflected in the license field for CopyPasta. Everything else in the core of the addon will be licensed in the manner the original author intended but never technically defined, which is to say, use best moral judgement.

Regarding other languages:
Localizations have been migrated from paste to the copypasta project.   There are some incomplete and some still needing review.  Please help complete paste and copypasta by updating localizations for both addons.

Bug reporting and chat addon compatiblity:
Because no compatibility issues have been reported with other chat addons for paste, it is assumed to also be true in copypasta.  Please report bugs using the issues section of this project.  Bugs reported in comments will likely go unnoticedNo feature requests will be implemented in copypasta.  All crippling bugs determined to be originating from the core addon will be resolved to the best of my ability. Bugs originating from the ace libraries will be resolved in subsequent versions of those libraries as soon as the Ace team hears of the bugs and fixes them.

Description from the original author's addon page:
If you've ever tried to paste a paragraph of text or a list of slash commands into WoW you've probably noticed that newlines are stripped and anything over 255 characters is silently truncated. The Paste addon solves this problem.


  • Open the Paste window via minimap icon, keybind, LDB or /paste show
  • Paste your clipboard text into the box with control-v / command-v
  • Press the "Paste" button and the entire contents will be sent to your selected channel, one message per line, with long lines automatically split.
  • The "Default" channel can be used to execute a list of slash commands (eg TomTom /way commands)
  • Options are available via "/paste config"

Fully compatible with WoW 8.x and all chat addons.

[Paste was] Featured on Hearthcast Podcast #177!!

Bug Reports Here. Bug reports in comments will likely go unnoticed.

Translators Needed! Apply Localization Here and Here.