


Covenant Forge is a UI upgrade for the Covenant  Soulbind  Viewer window that helps to consolidate data while adding enhancements to help make that data easier to access via other channels. The various pages are selected via the tabs added to the top right side of the window.  The displayed weight data defaults to the character's current spec with the option to see the weights for other specs by using the dropdown at the top of the screen.

-Updated Soulbind window:
1) Soulbind and abilities Names: Adds the ability to display the names of the Soulbinds and abilities (Toggleable)
2) Conduits & Abilities Weights: Adds weights to the nodes and in the Learned Conduit list. Weights for other specs can be shown by using the spec dropdown list on the top of the screen (2a). Default weighs are based on data from and are able to be modified by the user.  (Toggleable)
3) Total Weight Calculations: Shows the total value of selected abilities against the max total value of the currently unlocked nodes. Below that is the tax total value for all current weighted abilites
4) Total Weights for Soulbinds: Shows the total value of a Soulbind's currently selected abilities against the max total value of the all nodes.
5) Conduit Ranks are added to the list of known Conduits
6) Tabs to the other sections
6a) Deafult UI Window
6b) Saved Path Window: Allows you to save the current Soulbind ability path and load it again. Loading a path will set the appropriate soulbind active and select the appropriate nodes. It will socket changed conduits if need and you are at the Soul Forge. Can be triggered via macro using 'CFLoad <saved path name>'.

6c) Available Conduit List Window: Adds a list to the window that shows all the conduits and powers available to your character. Unlearned abilities have a orange title, while learned abilties are shown in green.  A filter dropdown allows you to filter the selection to a specific type of power.

6d) Weight Selection/Modification: Allows creation/selection/modification of weight value profiles. Default weights can not be modified, but you can create a copy of them first which users can then modify. A filter dropdown allows you to filter the selection to a specific type of power.  The weight values shown are for the currently selected spec in the Spec dropdown.

  • -Additional Quality of life improvements:  Direct access to the Soulbind Window via keybinds, Rank value of Conduits added in the Soulbind Viewer and in tooltips. Disabling the Soulbind Viewer Window UI Effects.

Weight data is based off of info from  Currently only DPS & Tank Specs have weight data.  Healing specs do not have any default data due to weights being a DPS increase.

Future additions: Import/Export of weight profiles