Craft Info Anywhere

Craft Info Anywhere


Patreon (Donate) Github (Sponsor)

Want to check how much it cost to craft an item and don't have the recipe yourself. This addon will add the crafting cost and the reagents to the item's tooltip so you can see the details anyway.

Supports professions you don't have on any character as well as those you do. You do not need to open any profession windows to populate reagents information.

Auctionator required for reagent values If you don't want the reagent values it is safe to leave Auctionator disabled.

To choose what you have in your tooltips

  • /cia made to turn on/off the makes line
  • /cia prices to turn on/off any reagents value line
  • /cia reagents to turn on/off the reagents display
  • /cia profession to turn on/off the profession required display

For any issues or feedback open a Github Issue.

You can also find me in the Auctionator discord