Craft Master Classic

Craft Master Classic



Craft Master Classic is a Discord bot that allows you to search who can make what items in your guild. The goal is to eventually allow people to search for anyone on their server.

This is a support addon for Craft Master Classic Discord Bot.

How to Use

  1. Install Craft Master Classic support addon
  2. Add the Craft Master Classic bot to your Discord Server at this URL
  3. Type in the slash command `/craftermanager`
  4. Login to
  5. Go back to Discord and look for the success message
  6. From the drop-down, that should be there now, select your character
  7. You will then be prompted to input your profession strings.
  8. Alt-Tab back into WoW Classic and open one of your profession tabs
  9. You will see an new window that has comma separated list of numbers.
  10. Copy all of the text in this window and paste it into the window that appeared earlier on discord. There should be space for 2 professions, cooking and first-aid.
  11. Copy step 13 for anything you want to be listed.
  12. Click submit on the Discord window to confirm the items you can craft.
  13. You should see a message saying that it was successful.
  14. That's it, you're all done!