This is a companion addon to go along with the Cream Armory website, https://creamarmory.com With this addon installed, you will be able to scan your characters armory and upload it to the site, you can also contribute to the community by scanning other players in your realm.
Getting Started:
Getting started is simple. Type command "/crp" to scan your current character, a dialog window will open up with serialized data, copy the data, and paste it on the Cream Armory site.
You can also passively scan other characters you interact with within your realm. Type command "/crp scan" to start the scanner. When you are done scanning type command "/crp scan" to disable the scanner and "/reload" to force the addon to write its data into a CreamArmoryProfiler.lua file.
Find CreamArmoryProfiler.lua file inside your SavedVariables directory, and upload it to the site.
example: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\xxxxxxxx#1\SavedVariables\CreamArmoryProfiler.lua
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