Critical Tank Health

Critical Tank Health


Critical Tank Health

Critical Tank Health (CTH) is a configurable add-on that automatically detects tank in a group.  The addon will announce in chat when a tank reaches a critical health threshold or dies.

When a tank reaches the critical health threshold, CTH will try to determine which healing spell (if any) is being cast on the tank and include this in the announcement.  Actually, the WoW API does not provide a way to determine the target of a spell before it is finished being cast so CTH will assume any healing spell being cast is targeted on the tank at the critical health threshold.

Interface Options

The CTH options window can be found in the in-game user interface panel. The slash command, /cth, can also be used to access the user options panel.

Display Tank Updates

The display tank updates check box toggles the displaying of the list of detected tanks. When enabled, the current tanks are listed in a chat message only you can see. When disabled, no message is printed.

Enable In Party

This check box enables/disables the add-on when in a party group.

Enable in Raid

This check box enables/disables the add-on when in a raid group.

Include Tank Role

When selected, this option includes players with the tank role selected as tanks in addition to those marked as main tank. When unselected, only players marked as main tank are counted.

Use Raid Warning

When selected, use the raid warning channel to make announcements when in a raid group.

Enable in PvP

This check box enables/disables the add-on when in instance PvP.

Announce Deaths

When selected announce tank deaths in addition to tank low health.

Announce in Chat Window

When selected announcements will only be visible in the player's own chat window.

Critical Health Threshold Type

Select between percent and value. When set to percent, the critical tank health threshold is precent health based. When se to value, the critical tank health threshold is health value based.

Trigger Sliders

The two sliders are used to select the critical tank health percentage and value threshold.

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