Wow Classic addon for playing sound files on player crit event
Place 'Crits' folder in 'Interface\Addons' located in classic directory. Make sure the folder name does not change. Final path should be 'Interface\Addons\Crits'
Sounds play through the 'Dialog' sound channel. Make sure the 'Dialog' channel fader is set to a non-zero value, adjust this fader to adjust the sound triggers volume.
Menu located in the wow interface menu.
/crits [command]
spelldamage - toggle spell damage triggers on/off,
default: on
spellheal - toggle spell heal triggers on/off,
default: on
swingdamage - toggle swing damage triggers on/off, default: on
sound [value] - change the sound clip
0 - Owen Wilson "Wow!",
1 - "That's a lot of damage",
2 - Weeb Anime moaning,
default: 0