



Addon to reconfigure default Actionbars into the WXHB Cross Hotbar found in FFXIV.


*CrossHotbar is beta and is still in development and may not work well with other Actionbar/Gamepad Addons.

*This addon is most comparable to an Action bar replacement than full controller integration. 

  • Left and right hotbar selection with extended right-left and left-right back hotbars.

CrosshotbarLeft activatedRight hotbarLeft right hotbarRight left hotbar

  • Double click expands hotbar and maps actions buttons[9-12] onto face buttons.

Expanded hotbar

  • Two layout settings

DPad + Action / DPad + Action layout

  • Preset configuration support.


  • Button binding and action assignment for default actions and activated hotbar button indexes.

Button bindings and actions

  • Modifier action and hotbar assignments to override defaults to swap out actions. 

Modifier Actions

  • Hotbar display and page assignments.

Hotbar settings

  • GamePad configuration and cursor control

GamePad Settings

  • Drag bar activated by clicking on the hotbar separator line.

Crosshotbar drag bar

  • Cursor and camera look support through bindable actions.
  • Unit raid and party navigation actions for dpad party traversal.
  • Actions to execute user macros named CH_MACRO_[1-4]
  • Target traversal with trigger shoulder pad combinations.