CUI [Discontinued for now]

CUI [Discontinued for now]


This AddOn is discontinued for now, as i stopped playing WoW completely. There's a chanche i'll come back and update it again in Dragonflight, but that's not certain.

CUI is a replacement for the default Blizzard UI!

The goal is to make it extremely customizable, user friendly and lower the impact it has on your games performance as much as possible!

This UI Package is not yet finished. Problems are expected!
Please use the comment section to report bugs.


Current Features

  • Custom Actionbars (Masque supported!)
  • Custom Unitframes
  • Low CPU and Memory usage
  • An easy to use options panel (accessible via ESC menu)
  • Aura Bars for player and target
  • Customizable castbars
  • Movers for basically anything in the UI. You can also move Blizzard frames temporarily!
  • Option to change the 3D world Fonts
  • Internal interrupt announcer - directly on the corresponding castbar!
  • Optional worldmap markers for old dungeon and raid entrances.
  • Custom Unitframes text-formats
  • Tabbing through chat-channels
  • Option panel documentation
  • Option to attach various frames to anything (e.g.: Your Combo Points to Actionbar 1)
  • Most texts can be class colored


Current Version:


• Runs on 8.3.7 and 9.0 (Shadowlands)!
• Lots of improvements to the default profile
• Frost Mage icicles are now displayed on the Classbar (Thanks to Velanri for this idea!)
• Raid Unitframes now also show empty slots and are properly ordered by group!
• Added Maintank Unitframes!
• Nearly all fonts now have an option for automatic player class colors
• Autosell Thresholds updated for Shadowlands in advance, as the Pre-Patch will already lower itemlevels and such
• The autosell feature no longer sells tabards, shirts and bags
• Improved Fonts Section in the Unitframe "All" options
• Updated possible enchants for gear checking in armory module
• Moved Mirror Bar Position config to new Blizzard category
• Zhe Zoom function for the character window model now is smoothed out. Not as good as in the Dress Up Window, but it's something.
• The Chat input box now has a colored border
• The Raid Control Panel now only is visible when you actually are allowed to perform group commands (Leader/Assist)
• Totem Bar Icons now have an actual border (Configurable between class color and specific color)
• Repositioned Main Menu Button tooltip to the button itself
• Minimap AddOn Icons now have a styled border to match the theme
• The Minimap clock now has a border and an background - as well as an option for automatic class coloring for the text, border and background
• Some option cleanup and visual improvements for easier readability across the board
• Changed castbar flash behaviour to an animation with configurable fade timings to improve the feeling of casts [Unitframes -> All -> Castbar]
• Added system that tracks all of your item counts and currencies across all characters! Counts are shown in item tooltips!
Gold also is tracked, so you don't need a bag AddOn for this - simply mouseover the money text in your vanilla bags!
• Added option to disable the entire actionbar module
• Added option to disable the entire unitframe module
• Added option to disable unitframe power bars
• Added option to fully customize the actionbar fading through macro conditionals [Actionbars -> Bar -> Fading -> Behaviour -> Custom]
• Added options to configure the power text percentage behaviour [Number Formats -> Unitframe Texts]
• Added options to change the targeting sounds [Unitframes -> Misc -> Targeting Sounds]
• Added new statusbar texture - which now is the new default
• Added option to disable specific unitframes
• Added separate statistics module. Can be found in the ESC Game Menu!
• Added Armory Data to Statistics. You now can view your gear of every char everywhere. Anytime!
• Added binding options for the Zone Ability and Extra Actionbutton. Located in: [Game Menu -> Keybinds -> Actionbars -> (Scroll to bottom)]
• The Zone Ability and Extra Actionbutton can now be keybound within the CUI Keybind-Mode
• Added 2D and floating mode for Portraits. Also some positioning and scaling options for it
• Added skinned Chat Bubbles. [Blizzard -> Chat Bubbles]
• Added option to also show Nameplate Quest Icons on Worldquest targets. [Nameplates -> Quest Icon -> Only Show Quests]
• Added option to show the target of a cast on the castbar. Located in: [Unitframes -> All -> Castbar -> Show Target Name] and in the individual castbar config of each unitframe
• Added animated actionbar flash with configurable timings to improve the feeling of pressing buttons. Affected bars: Bar 1 to 10, Stancebar, Pet Bar [Actionbars -> Bar -> Flash]
• Added option to use static colors for healthbars, instead of class or reaction colored ones. Still works with Color by Value
• Added Titan Residuum and Echoes of Ny'alotha Reward Amount to the Mythic Plus Frame. On Mouseover, you're also shown the amount of rewarded currency for up to level 25. This feature depends on data from the community and most likely will take some time to be fully up to date in the future, if there's currency being rewarded.
• Added Tooltip Background Color option (Instead of just an Alpha Slider)
• Added Option to disable the Tooltip Module completely. This option does NOT require an reload!
• Added Option to change the "SpellQueueWindow" CVar. This allows you to change the time of how long WoW does queue clicked/used spells to chain them together. By adjusting this value, players can change how combat feels overall and allows for more control in some instances. Option located in Actionbars->All
• Added Option (Default: Enabled) that automatically reverts all CVar changes, CUI has made during it's runtime, when the AddOn is being unloaded by the Game Client [Global -> Revert CVars on Shutdown]
• Added X and Y (and therefore also center) axis snap points for mover mode
• Added Talking Head Frame Mover and Size Config
• Added Position Config for Info Frame and UI Widget
• Added Mover for the Archeology Progress Bar
• Added Autosell option [Default: Disabled] to sell old gems - With an configurable Itemlevel Threshold
• Added Autosell option [Default: Disabled] for old equipment - With an configurable Itemlevel Threshold
• Added Autosell option [Default: Disabled] to never autosell BoE Items
• Mouseovering a spell in your spellbook now highlights it on the actionbars (Except for Pet and Shapeshift Bars. Also doesn't work for Druid Swipe, for some reason)
• [Devs Only] Added API for easy Item Tooltip Scanning. See Modules/Core/TooltipScanning.lua


• Resolved an Extra Actionbutton tainting issue, which led to it not showing up
• Experimental Fix for Error when opening the Mover/Anchor mode. Will have to monitor this change, as it potentially could cause taint issues
• The Talking Head and Battlerez Frames now snap to other frames when moved outside of mover mode
• Item Ref Tooltips (From Chats) no longer should snap to the tooltip anchor point
• Fixed Tooltip background randomly being in an blue-ish color
• Fixed Tooltip border rapidly changing color on the first few frames after it shows up
• Fixed an issue that would cause power bars to not being updated properly on death or revival
• Additionally to the fix above, incorrect power bar values now also SHOULD be fixed. Will have to monitor this.
• Fixed Classpower Segment Background Color option not having any effect
• Fixed Mover positioning issues due to scaling
• Fixed Totem Bar Timer behaviour when the time goes below 0
• Fixed Actionbar Cooldown Text still being shown when the cooldown already finished
• Fixed Autoseller for situations where lots of items are vendored at once. Before, there would occur an error, that interferes with the selling process.
• Fixed global DB data being written to each individual profile. Cleanup does happen automatically and will reduce the SavedVariables file size quite a bit
• Fixed actionbar cooldown being displayed twice when the Blizzard Option for Button Countdowns is enabled
• Fixed visual actionbar issues when not using Masque
• Fixed actionbar Hotkey Texts being misaligned on login
• Fixed an interference with the AddOn "BetterWardrobe", which caused the helmet toggle to stop working correctly
• Fixed an issue with Masque, where CUI couldn't reposition the actionbar hotkeys anymore
• Fixed stancebar not updating properly when the number of displayed stances changed

Currently planned for Core

  • A unit classification texture for an actual visual representation of elites, bosses and rares [Like the default UI ones]
  • [...] And way more [...]

Most of those below are way beyond the planned core functionality of this AddOn, as they are really ambitious, so there will be no TBA! 

But they for sure will just come when the core is finished!


  • Create your own custom unitframes on the fly
  • Also custom layout-frames with custom behaviour and functions
  • A music player system with custom conditionals
  • The option to stylize individual frames (even blizz ones!)
  • Adding custom textures and placing them anywhere you like
  • Options for round castbars
  • Personal optional notifications when something important happened [I.e.: A Tank dies in your raid group]
  • An optional performance optimizer (changes graphics settings according to a fps target and your average framerate over X seconds)

Currently known issues

• Group Unitframes sometimes show the wrong unit name/health/power data. Could not replicate yet, but is on critical watchlist
• The Unit Dummy mode somehow intereferes with the new group header system. This one's also categorized as critical. Please just use the separate "Toggle" button in the individual group unitframe options until it's fixed.
• Health Absorb does not differentiate between damage or heal absorb (Not a bug technically, just not implemented yet)


This AddOn still has a pretty good way to go until its core functionality is finished, so expect issues or missing options for things you'd like to change!

Also, i'm developing this AddOn on a 4K display. So most things are way too big for a Full HD monitor.

Until i can come up with a proper fix for this, you have to deal with it one time and set everything up (profile).

Got any other problems or questions? Feel free to use the comment section!

We now got an official Discord Server!