Custom Minimap Arrow

Custom Minimap Arrow


Custom Minimap Arrow Addon for World of Warcraft

Example of a Custom Arrow in Use

Custom Minimap Arrow - Screenshot 1

Customization Panel

Custom Minimap Arrow - Screenshot 2


This addon allows players to customize the appearance of their minimap arrow in World of Warcraft. With a variety of arrow styles to choose from, players can personalize their UI to better match their individual preferences.


  • Scale Adjustment: Dynamically adjust the size of your minimap arrow.
  • Custom Arrow Replacement: Change the default minimap arrow with a selection of custom arrow designs.
  • Facing Display: A movable frame that shows your character's facing direction in degrees, like a compass.
  • Dial and Needle: Adds a dial and needle overlay on the minimap to visually represent your facing direction.


  1. Download the addon.
  2. Unzip and copy CustomMinimapArrow folder into the World of Warcraft Interface\AddOns folder.
  3. Restart World of Warcraft or reload your UI.


  • Open with /cma command.
  • Adjust the scale of the minimap arrow.
  • Choose from a variety of arrow designs.
  • Toggle the facing display on or off.
  • Reposition the facing display by dragging.
  • Show/Hide the dial and needle overlay on the minimap.

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  • Contribute to the project by submitting pull requests with bug fixes, new features, or improvements to the code or documentation.
  • Star the repository on GitHub to show your appreciation for the project.


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