(D) Broker Volume

(D) Broker Volume


Required data broker display addon: BazookaChocolateBar 
Data Broker - Audio Options Sound Panel Control


  • Control the Master, Sound FX, Music, Ambience, and Dialog Volumes using the Mouse Wheel.
          - Normal scroll 5% changes.
          - Precise scroll 1% changes. (Hold shift key down while you scrolling.)
  • Toggle On / Off (Mute):
    - Master Volume (On / Mute)

- Sound FX  (On / Off)
  + Pet Sounds (On / Off)
  + Emote Sounds (On / Mute)

- Music (On / Mute)
  + Loop Music (On / Off)
  + Pet Battle Music (On / Off)

- Ambience (On / Mute)

- Dialog (On / Mute)
  + Error Speech (On / Off)

- Sound in Background (On / Off)
- Enable Reverb (On / Off)
- Distance Filtering (On / Off)