It's purpose is simple. When you do the /dance emote a song will start playing and the song will stop when you start moving again. The song that is played is determined by your character model.
For an idea on how it looks see this video
Slash Command and Options
The slash command is "/dancemusic" using it by itself will open the config menu.
You can also use the following control codes. eg. "/dancemusic config"
- config - Opens the config menu
- help - Lists available control codes
- status - Show status of the variables
- on - Enables DanceMusic for the current character
- off - Disables DanceMusic for the current character
- showsong - Toggles showing song names on/off
- druidmerge - Toggles Druid Song Merge on/off
- worgenmerge - Toggles Worgen Song Merge on/off
- altdir - Use alternate music directory
- defdir - Use default music directory
- useoverrides - Toggle song file overrides on/off for the current character
- debug_on - Enables debug messages
- debug_off - Disables debug messages
Adding Music
To add your songs you will have to place them in the "/Interface/Addons/DanceMusic/Music" folder. The songs must be in ogg or mp3 format.
TIP #1: If you use an add-on auto updater use the alternate music directory instead and run "/dancemusic altdir" once per server, to prevent deletion of songs.
TIP #2: Use "/dancemusic showsong" before dancing to display file name for current model.
TIP #3: For inspiration on songs to use you can browse around YouTube a bit for the WoW dance videos.
This is a good one
NOTE: SongFiles must be in the folder before launching WoW or they will not work
NOTE: To avoid copyright issues DanceMusic is distributed without any songs
Dancemusic is the first addon Robsato wrote, mainly to get a feeling of how making addons works.
It is also the first addon ShetiPhian ever worked on, starting with a fan update.